so i vowed that i wouldn't join into this fad and i think it's the late night hours that are causing me to think other wise. we'll see what happens. so, if you find yourself wanting to find out what i'm doing or what i'm up to, this is where i could post it...don't forget to leave me comments too.
i desperately need a job. i'm up for two positions right now. one in southern orange california and one in nashville. i have nightmares of using the words reckon, yall, or worst of all, fixin to, in conversation. this could be the end of me. we'll see what becomes of it all.
i'm working at the scrapbook store still, i love it but it's not like having a real job...i need health insurance. if you know of anyone who needs a video editor or just wants to take pity on me, let me know. kidding, no pity, just jobs.
i hope this finds you all well.
word to your mother. keep your feet clean.
Watch out...this gets addicting!
Welcome to the world of blogging Katie!
By the way....LOVE the picture!
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