Wednesday, June 14, 2006

i went to lunch today with a group of guys from work. so much fun! i haven't laughed that hard in a very long time. someone decided that we should go to panda express which is probably 7 miles from work. it was a very rushed lunch but well worth it. the best part were the people i got to go with. (this comes into play later) one guy is korean, one is japanese, one is filipino, and one is italian. i tend to be referred to as the american or occasionally the dutch. what's so funny is that no one uses names, they'll call each other by country which is very entertaining. at one point during the duration of the commute, our lunch was referred to as the "united nations lunch." very laughable. i loved it. lunch like this makes the day go so much quicker.

so great.

too bad one of my friends is leaving me. he's leaving to teach. teach. ha. who needs it?! actually, he's going to be great at it, i'm really excited for him but i'm going to have to start auditioning for a new lunch friend. it's not going to be the same. i'm going to miss him, work won't be the same. those kids better be greatful! :)


At 7:58 AM , Blogger amberWIRE said...

Friday is a re-run of the Oprah Show we were at! hahahah! Ill be watching for us...eventhough I already know that all we see is the back of our heads.

At 11:47 PM , Blogger katie holt said...

i'm so excited about that! and now i have tivo! WOO HOO TIVO. i can't wait to see the back of our heads! i love it!

i'm going to watch as soon as i get home from work. :o)

At 2:58 AM , Blogger Steve Hughes said...

Hey Katie! Steve Hughes here....(Domino's dad) I Was online working on my blog (that really stinks compared to yours) and started searching for people I know. After finding a few friends sites-boring i thought (picture the little white thinking cloud) Katie's the computer type...I wonder if she has a blog. Low and behold -> YOU DO! I must say i have quite enjoyed reading all of your great posts. You should be a writer or maybe a MAC store Creative! I think i found your blog (Via Google) around 11:30 pm and I'm just now (2:40am) on your most recent post. I found all your post very interesting! Feel free to check out Sharon’s blog
( )
or mine - Don't get your hopes up it stinks!
( )

P.s. - If you ever want to hang with Rick Warren let me know. I used to work with his son Josh @ Maranatha Music back in the day. Rick is a super great guy and remains a good friend.

PPS - or if you want to go whale watching where there is no limit to how close you can get.

PPPS - or if you need a shirt made that says " I’m the sister that Becky...has been telling you about!" ...Love that one! I used to work in a printing shop - still gots the hookups.

Wow - this should have been a blog it's so long!


At 9:40 AM , Blogger Woolston Gallery said...

Your lunch crew sounds like mine.A lot of different nationalities get into nursing like the tech business. Our potlucks at work are great(and sometimes strange). I think every country except the US is totally addicted to HOT sause and GARLIC. Especially the Phillipinos (sp?)and Mexicans.After eating their food you need to invest in "Nexium" and room deoderizor stock (if you know what I mean). But that's what makes the US a great blender.


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