Sunday, January 29, 2006

sorry for the abscence, it's not that i don't have tons to write about. i do. i'm just paying for the internet by the minute now.


i'll figure this out soon.



At 7:01 AM , Blogger Sarah Miller said...

You know Katie, I don't think I ever said it, but I'm proud of you for following your dream and doing what you always wanted. I mean I can't say that I'm not jealous, but really, congrats for doing what you've always wanted. It takes courage and maybe just a little bit of craziness to move across the country. But you did it!

At 12:55 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay. Time to anty-up. Fork over the bucks and BLOG (throw us a LITTLE somethin'!).

At 12:59 PM , Blogger Woolston Gallery said...

Hey you are deep into the computer business now can't you get around the "by the minute " thing. I am missing your cheery reports. Look for the loop hole.


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