Sunday, April 02, 2006

here's one for the books...

i met one of my neighbors. she mentioned she was excited that we were living here now. she then mentioned that the previous tenant was a porn star. hmmm. okay, that's odd enough.

i met the next neighbor today. he mentioned that not only was he a porn star but he was a gay porn star. pretty stinkin funny.

only in california


At 7:52 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope you got LOTS o' Lysol spray disinfectant...

At 7:23 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holy Crap! I didn't know you were in California. I guess that wasn't you that I waved to at our local Martin's supermarket, huh? anyways... hi.

At 8:44 AM , Blogger katie holt said...

hey jason! so funny, yeah a lot of people don't really know i left i think. i got an email the other day asking me to go meet some old friends for dinner and obviously couldn't go. how have you been? hows the fam?

At 10:37 AM , Blogger amberWIRE said...

I am coming over.

I just have to get some plane tickets...

And some time off of work...

But first Ill have to get some money to buy the tickts, so I guess I can't really take time off right now.

At 6:28 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

rather than post how my ever-growing "fam" is doing here, i sent you an email with details. i sure hope is right.

At 1:58 PM , Blogger Woolston Gallery said...

I just have a couple of questions,
1)Where in the world is your apartment anyway?
2)Did your neighbors show up in some kind of welcome wagon?
3)Were they carrying cameras?

At 6:43 AM , Blogger amberWIRE said...



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