Wednesday, October 05, 2005

i agree with jason miller

okay, jason miller is one of the incredibly talented worship leaders at church and i was checking out everyones blogs the other night. i was reading the entry titled, 'confessions of a terrorist.' don't let the title scare you. he made some really great points. i don't know too much about blog etiquette but i'm going to quote jason.

"Now, allow me one little soapbox before I go on with this thought. Right now, there are some cynics out there thinking, “Oh go ahead and jump on the Bono bandwagon.” You’re absolutely sick of how Bono has become such a mouthpiece lately. But can I say something? •To reject something simply because of its overwhelming popularity is just plain moronic, as long as we’re talking about ideas and art.• Truth and Beauty should never be held by a select few underground guardians who pride themselves on their Gnostic-like privilege, and if someone like Bono says something that’s true, we ought to listen. Even if it is annoyingly “in” to do so. I’d rather get my profound thoughts from some esoteric, unheard-of sage, too, but today I found some truth in Bono, along with thousands of other twenty-something Christians who read Relevant Magazine and enjoy a latte with their worship service and who are waking up to the Social Justice implications of the Gospel that have been swept under the rug by our American Protestant upbringing." jason miller

(on a side note, poor jason is another one of the victims that my sister has coined the phrase, 'have i told you about my sister?' this is the same sister who told me one day that i should marry jason because we both have golden retrievers and we all know how that would be the foundation of a solid marriage)

i couldn't agree more. i love finding incredible bits of knowledge tucked away in movies. i know that it's cliche to think that movie quotes are so 'insightful,' but i LOVE finding movie quotes that sum up different parts of life. for example, i went to see batman begins today. there was a line in the movie that kind of gave me a swift kick. rachel says to bruce, 'i know that sweet little boy that i knew is deep down inside of you somewhere but that doesn't matter. it's not who you are inside that makes a difference, it's what you that makes a difference." (i may have screwed it up a bit, but you get my point) and it's true. there is a difference between a person who says, 'i love people, and love working with them' and someone who says, 'i love people" and then they actually prove it with action. it just kind of hit me that, i claim to love people and claim to love ministry but have stopped doing mission work because i can't go over seas or to different cities. i don't think it occurred to me until to day that if i love people like i claim, i need to start loving them in my own town. it was an ah ha moment for me, and of all places, during batman begins.

and with that, i encourage you to find new thoughts and visions from unexpected places or people you barely know.

also, again, referring people to other peoples blogs, you have to check out tammy and daryl mcmullen at if you look at the post called 'give me orajel or give me death,' i cried for about 30 minutes from that video clip. absolutely hysterical!



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