Sunday, October 09, 2005

"well, that seems about right"

so, after a day of pain and trying not to collapse in pain, i asked my mom to take me to med point. we got there and we were the only two people there (still took a few minutes) but everything went a little quicker than expected. so, i got into the office and sat down, the doc walked in immediately i showed him my ankle, he said, 'yup, lets get some pictures.' and off i went to x-ray. again, the only two people were my mom and i walking through this huge building on main street in mishawaka. (i'd hate to see the bill for this visit, i'm sure it will be comprable to renting the entire building for my personal use) the x-rays were taken and they sat me back in the exam room. the doctor walked in and said, "well, bad news, it looks like we have a fracture." at which point i looked at my mom and said, "well, that seems about right." the doctor said he was pretty confident that i have a fractured bone. not the main, weight supporting bone but the smaller one, the tibula if you will. i have to wait until wednesday to hear for sure from my doctor but according to this guy, i broke my leg. I BROKE MY LEG! (not my ankle that hurts so bad but about three or four inches above the ankle) by fallling into the garage. milk gives you strong bones, MY EYE! however, he did tell me that being that i have been on prednison for so long, it could have weakened my bones. he also said that the prednisone can mask the pain, so that's why i was able to walk on it all day long and not kill myself. it was painful but i could deal with it, aparently, only because i was on previous drugs. how convienient.

two gallons of milk a week for 24 years, and five weeks on a single drug can counter act it all? you've got ot be kidding me. so, after all that, i had to call my boss and explain to him that i can't vaccuum in the morning because i was told to stay off my leg. in a 9000 sq foot building, i'm supposed to stay off my leg. i'm sure mark (the boss man) is thinking, 'note to self: check medical records before hiring someone next time' i mean honestly, i was sick for two weeks, i'm still sick now and now i have to tell him that i've broken my leg. i don't even believe it.
i was told to get crutches (fat chance) and that i wasn't allowed to drive my jeep because it's a stick. i understand that it's important to 'pamper' my leg so i do no further damage however, you can't sentence someone to NOT driving their jeep during the last three weeks of convertible weather. i almost threw up...however, i'm sure i'll survive.

you've GOT to be kidding me,
there is nothing to do but laugh



At 7:19 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi there,how is your leg?I broke mine as well and stuck in a cast,really stinks!

At 6:10 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, I definitely feel for you. I have been on prednisone for two years now. Besides the weight gain (alright, it would've happened without the prednisone, but as long as it's there to blame it on...), I now have "osteopenia". This is a deterioration of my hips. So now I also take 1200 of calcium per day and prescription vitamin "D"! So, I take two pills to counteract the side effects of one pill. And it goes on, and on, and on, and on.....

At 12:05 AM , Blogger Lola said...

I hope you prevail. I know Katie Holt always prevails.


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