Friday, March 02, 2007

i live in a really cool place, i'm not gonna lie. due to the recent rain, i now have snow capped mountains to look at while driving to work every morning. someone asked me when i moved out here if i thought i'd just get used to seeing them and start taking them for granted...i haven't. every day, i drive to work and say, 'i can't believe i live here.' i say the same thing when i see a whale from shore from my favorite beach. the freeways i can do without but the mountains and the ocean are priceless.

i have a big project that i'm doing right now, due in a couple weeks. it'll be good to have this under my belt it's a great project to work on and it's been great getting back into the editing saddle again. it had been a while. i missed it and i'm making up for that now. i'm loving it.

i've been selected to be in a corporate video for my work. this should be interesting. there is a whole big story behind it but i'll tell you about that in a less public place... anyway, i have to drive to santa monica on monday for filming. pretty excited about it. the minute i heard i thought, 'i should go tanning...get my hair cut...get my nails new clothes... the list went on. don't worry, they were all thoughts, though i might freak out last minute and do them all...we'll see.

my dog is bitter with me right now because all we do is stay home. it's very sad. i feel so bad for her. luckily it's getting to the point that it's light out when i leave work which means in no time at all, we'll be back playing at the park every night after work...

i have a list of people who think i'm dead or missing because i haven't responded to emails or phone calls... i promise i'll track you down as soon as i can.

oh, and here's the other thing, if you know me at all, you'll know that i'm quite the hypochondriac. i always think i have something. well for the last four days i have had really bad jaw pain. not tooth pain, jaw pain. it hurts to swallow and yawn, it's strange. it almost feels like a nerve or muscle thing (my roommate thinks its from stress). anyway, because i'm paranoid, i went to the webmd website and went to the symptom checker. they have you select a region, i selected the head. they have you select a specific part, i selected jaw. it has you select the symptom...pain, bruising and about 10 other options, i selected 'pain and discomfort' and it pops up a little window that says, "if you're experiencing pain in your jaw please seek prompt medical attention." are you freaking kidding me?!? that's exactly what someone like me needs to NOT hear. so, i'll be going to a walk in clinic tomorrow after work if it doesn't go away. either that or i'll start taking some serious pain killers.

alright, with all that in mind, i'm off to bed. i'm going hom to indiana in one month from today. pretty excited about it. even though i'm only home for about 2 days and then i'm going to iowa to hang out with the fam. which, here's a side note before i actually go to bed.

i tried to explain my family to someone the other day and it's not something easy to do. i typically say, 'it's like my big fat greek wedding but we're dutch.' more on that stuff later.

anywho, now i'm really going to bed. here's to hoping my jaw doesn't fall out of my head.



At 4:16 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Take two aspirin and blog me in the morning....

Actually, your roommate could be right. The stress of the project, work, etc. may be causing you to grind your teeth at night.

Anyway, Dr. Holt I ain't (which is good, because he's dead).

OOoooo. Sorry, that was even over the top for ME!

At 3:54 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Katie! This is your fellow hypochondriac friend...don't worry, I have the same thing! Yeah, I know, IMAGINE THAT! It's from grinding my teeth from stress says the dentist. Sometimes I wake up in a LOT of pain. But there is one thing you can do...simple...says the dentist...take notice during the day whether or not you're relaxing your jaw. I bet you're gritting your teeth and don't even know it! If you are only grinding/gritting at night, do something relaxing before bed, such as, say, WATCH FRIENDS! Then you'll sleep peacefully with the thought of all the Friends poking ugly naked guy with chopsticks rather than work.

At 8:20 PM , Blogger Tim said...

Two things my friend...

1-Jaw pain is also a symptom of refered pain from cardiac ischemia resulting often times in a myocardial infarction often accompanied by dyspnea. or it can be a result of the begining of septecimia secondary to an undetected abcess.

2- I'm SO confused as far as your geneology. You said at the end of this post you were Dutch, and previously argued that you were Irish, not English. You have GMPD. (Geneologic Multiple Personality Disorder)

3- I love playing to the hypochondria....

At 2:12 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

BIG question: Is the boat yours and when can we go skiing?


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